A King Jewelers Exclusive | Hublot's Jean Claude Biver

Jean Claude Biver
Hublot CEO Jean Claude Biver

A Fabulous Q&A with the Superstar CEO of Hublot – Mr. Jean Claude Biverz
King Jewelers : What does the watch industry look like to you by the year 2100?
Jean Claude Biver : The watch will have disappeared as a time piece and it will be replaced as a piece of Art, a symbol of tradition and culture. It will be the reign of the “Haute Horlogerie”, the reign of fine Swiss watch making Art.
KJ : If you could be any animal which one would you be?
JCB : I would choose the cow. Because the cow is pacific, has a great curiosity and a strong memory. In addition to all of that, it gives us milk and food.
KJ : What musician or band could create the best soundtrack for the Hublot Brand?
JCB : Carlos Santana and/or Miles Davies. Because both have created new sounds with traditional instruments. In that sense they are close to what Hublot has done with traditional watch making.
KJ : What visual artist would you want to create dials for Hublot?
JCB : Joan Miro, because he was a master of emotion, and colors. Color would be one of my favorite features in a watch or dial.
KJ : What do you say to Hublot haters and how do you approach a fan?
JCB : Hublot cannot be loved at first sight, as we are the fusion of tradition and the future. Therefore I would recommend people to buy first a few traditional watches till they get the right feeling about it. Once they have achieved this, they will understand the richness and beauty of fusing tradition with vision. But if you don’t understand tradition, it is impossible to you to understand fusion.
KJ : If you were the leader of the world for only 1 hour, what would be the first thing you would do?
JCB : I would share! Share the richness, share the resources, share the space, share the planet and share love!
Hublot watches are available exclusively in Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky and Georgia at King Jewelers
For more info visit www.Kings1912.com.

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