Bulgari Commemorates 10th Anniversary of Iconic 'B.zero1' Collection

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Bulgari’s B.zero1 collection, sculptor Anish Kapoor re-interpreted and rejuvenated its best-selling ring, a style launched in 2000 with over 1,000,000 units sold to date.
Kapoor’s interpretation merged tradition and contemporary innovation by including the original combination of pink gold and reflecting steel surfaces, as well as curved forms and mirror-like surfaces, which are characteristic of his artwork. This blended design is not only symbolic of the collection’s re-birth, but also representative of the contemporary Bulgari style.
This special edition ring is also available in two ceramic variations (in either black or white). Bulgari continues to offer other versions of the ring in pave diamonds, white gold and yellow gold.
The Kapoor-designed ring will also serve as inspiration for a sculpture that the architect will create to be auctioned next spring, with all proceeds benefiting Save the Children‘s Rewrite the Future Campaign.
Bulgari luxury jewelry is available at King Jewelers in Nashville, TN and Aventura, FL. For more information, please visit http://www.bulgari.com and http://www.kings1912.com

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