Pros & Cons to a Holiday Proposal

Holiday Proposal Rings

“Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife”
-Franz Schubert

Three French Hens, two turtle doves, and a sparkling diamond engagement ring! It all sounds good in theory, but is it really a good idea to ask that special someone to marry you during the holiday season? We’ve weighed the pros and cons to help you make an informed decision.
There’s nothing quite as romantic as winter in Nashville; twinkling lights, crackling fires, and a (light) dusting of snow create a natural ambiance that’s tough to beat. Many couples have family in town for the holidays, too, making it pretty convenient if your special someone really wants their family involved. We’re sure many women would be thrilled to come downstairs Christmas morning to find an elegantly wrapped, ring-sized box sitting underneath the tree.

The Most Important Decision of Your Life

Still, some would-be-bride’s say that they’d prefer their significant other avoid popping the question on major holidays like Christmas, New Years Eve, and Valentine’s Day. Why? The responses vary: it’s too cheesy, it’s not going to be as special to share your engagement anniversary with a big holiday, it’s a cop out to avoid buying more gifts…
And here’s a terrible thought – what if she says no? If you pop the question Christmas morning and the answer isn’t a resounding “Yes!” is every future Christmas going to be hampered by an unhappy memory?
Ultimately, every couple is different. What one person might call cheesy, another might think is the most romantic gesture ever witnessed by mankind! You know your significant other better than anyone else, and you probably have a pretty good idea of what she wants (something big and flashy that turns into a viral video sensation or something intimate for just the two of you?) Either way, the planning and care that you invest to ensure this special moment is everything she’s ever dreamed of is what’s really romantic.
Whatever you decide, keep in mind that she’s saying yes to you, not to the ring or to the way you proposed! As long as you two want to be together for the rest of your lives, the romantic engagement fluff is just the cherry on top of an already wonderful sundae.

The Perfect Ring

Choose the perfect ring for your special moment from our selection of Proposal Ready Rings, guaranteed to make her swoon.

Already have a diamond? Shop our Semi-Mount Engagement Rings

Since 1912, the King family has designed and manufactured diamond jewelry while building an outstanding reputation steeped in quality, value, and first-class service. Offering a magnificent selection of fine jewelry collections including the hottest Italian designs, estate jewelry, colored gemstones and fancy-colored diamonds, as well as luxury European timepieces, King Jewelers prides itself in being one step ahead of the trend. Shop our extensive collection of designer engagement rings online or in one of our luxury salons in Nashville or Aventura.

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