Exquisite Mémoire Diamond Wedding Bands

Memoire Odessa Wedding Bands
Mémoire Diamond Wedding Rings available at King Jewelers

Mémoire is one of the few jewelry houses to offer exquisite diamond wedding bands for ladies as well as fine jewelry collections. They provide customers with simply the highest level of quality and manufacturing available today, offering lifetime warranties on all diamond wedding bands. Most of Memoire’s mountings are made using the hot extrusion process. Before a mounting is cut, the chosen metal is pushed through a tube with enormous force and heat. This pressure eliminates porosity (air bubbles) from the metal.
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The results are platinum or 18K gold mountings that are solid throughout, strong, hard and exceptionally durable. A standard cast mounting starts with liquid metal that is poured into a mold. As the metal cools and hardens, air can be trapped on the inside causing pits and porosity, which could weaken the finished product. Mémoire’s extruded mountings are laser cut for exactness directly from metal that has undergone the hot extrusion process, eliminating this problem. This process creates the strongest possible prongs to secure the diamonds and precious stones, and a more durable overall ring, designed to last a lifetime.
Memoire_pave silk wedding bands
Memoire Pave Silk Diamond Wedding Bands

Memoire is renowned for extraordinary jewelry because of their exceptional Methods:

Mémoire’s machines are state of the art and result in a level of quality that is famous throughout the industry. The lasers inscribe messages, names, and dates, personalizing your jewelry with lasting sentiment. A Mémoire bridal mounting is designed to last a lifetime.

Memoire Paragon wedding band
Memoire Paragon Diamond Wedding Ring

Memoire & Forevermark: The most credible Grading Reports in the industry

Memoire is an official diamantaire and manufacturer partner of Forevermark. Specializing in diamond anniversary bands that include 5-stone, 7-stone, and eternity wedding rings, Memoire offers the finest materials available in platinum, rose gold, yellow gold, or white gold, that featured certified Forevermark diamonds. Diamonds that are eligible to become Forevermark are sent to the Forevermark Diamond Institute in Antwerp, Belgium, the internationally renowned center of diamond excellence. Only once a diamond’s provenance and quality are confirmed can it receive the Forevermark inscription – a symbol of our promise. The Forevermark inscription consists of a unique identification number and the Forevermark icon. The inscription is 1/20th of a micron deep – 1/5000th the depth of a human hair – and is placed on the table facet of the diamond, using confidential, proprietary technology developed by the De Beers group of companies.
King Jeweler’s is an authorized Memoire and Forevermark retailer. King Jewelers designs and manufactures King for Forevermark engagement ring and fine jewelry collections. View our extensive collection of Memoire diamond wedding bands and Forevermark diamonds on-line at www.Kings1912.com or stop by a King Jeweler’s luxury salon located in Nashville, Tennessee and Miami, Florida. For additional information visit www.Forevermark.com or www.Memoire.com.

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