Nashville's Fashion Week Debut

Nashville will be hosting it’s first full-fledged fashion week, sponsored by Lexus. Lexus Nashville Fashion Week will take place Tuesday, March 29th to Saturday, April 2nd. This event will include five runway shows, panels at Lipscomb University with fashion industry experts, a talk at Belcourt Theatre by Kelly Cutrone, as well as fashions from a range of local and national designers including powerhouse creatives such as Christian Siriano, Betsey Johnson, Gustavo Cadile, Leona, Akiko, and more.
lexus nashville fashion week
King Jewelers Nashville will be participating in the Nashville Fashion Week through a series of in-house events. Below is a schedule of our trunk shows and promotions we will be featuring:
Tuesday, 10 a.m.–6 p.m. Chanel Trunk Show and champagne party
Wednesday, 10 a.m.–6 p.m. Steven Webster Trunk Show (awarded best European jewelry designer three years in a row)
Thursday, 10 a.m.–6 p.m. Charles Krypell Trunk Show
Friday, 10 a.m.–6 p.m. Roberto Coin Trunk Show
Saturday, 10 a.m.–6 p.m. Cartier Timepiece and Accessory Trunk Show and champagne party.
For the duration of Nashville Fashion Week, King Jewelers will be running a special offer to our clients – spend $500 at our Nashville store, and receive $100 back on all items store-wide.
Tickets to the Lexus Nashville Fashion Week can be purchased at All ticket proceeds will be donated to the Nashville Fashion Forward Fund, which is annually rewarded to local talent in a fashion-related field.
For more information, please visit and

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