Pantone Color Picks for Spring 2015

The long-awaited Pantone color picks for 2015 have been released and we have to say, we’re thrilled with the 10 leading colors for Spring/Summer 2015. Softer hues will steal the spotlight this year, with vibrant shades being used predominantly as accent pieces.
The 10 Spring/Summer Colors for 2015 are Aquamarine, Scuba Blue, Lucite Green, Classic Blue, Toasted Almond, Strawberry Ice, Tangerine, Custard, Marsala, and Glacier Gray. While all the hues are beautiful in their own right, we’ve chosen our top 3 favorites to focus on a little more closely in the coming months.

1. Marsala (The Pantone Color of the Year)

The Pantone color of the year is a beautiful red, which brings to mind the wine that gave it it’s name. With red-brown undertones, it’s the perfect color to add a base of warmth to your springtime nuptials. Luckily, red is always en vogue, and even though the color is trendy, it definitely won’t make you cringe when looking back at your wedding pictures years later. Even if you’re not tying the knot, incorporate Marsala into your style by taking inspiration from gorgeous celebs like Miranda Kerr, Blake Lively, and Kaley Cuoco who have all rocked Marsala colored gowns on the red carpet.

2. Strawberry Ice

This Pantone spring-y pink is a personal favorite of ours. How many brides have you seen try to “think pink” on their big day and end up making it look like something straight out of a children’s princess story? Too many to count. The major bonus to Strawberry Ice is that it allows you to tastefully add the feminine pink to your nuptials without overpowering every other color in your pallet. It’s slightly brighter than the shades of Blush and Dusty Rose that were popular in the fall, adding a bit of much needed vivacity to your spring ceremony. This is where the ever-popular Pink Peony bouquet will truly shine! If Strawberry Ice isn’t the color you want to spice up your wedding with, try instead to incorporate it into your daily fashion by utilizing it as a nail color or lipstick. Pink hues are always a winner for springtime beauty!

3. Lucite Green

Similar to Mint, Lucite Green is the perfect color to add a touch of vintage flair to your spring wedding. If the shade is too 1950s for your taste and not the right choice for your bridesmaid dresses, incorporate it in a more subtle fashion! Table accents like vases, napkins, or charger plates are small, sweet touches which can go a long way. For everyday springtime fashion, incorporate the trendy shade with some fun sunglasses, a hobo-chic handbag, or a beautiful maxi skirt!
What are your favorite springtime colors? Did Pantone pick the perfect shades for Spring 2015, or do you think they missed the mark?

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