King Jewelers Spring Bridal Show


King Jewelers hosts the Nashville Spring Bridal Show with Special Diamond Jewelry Gifts and Promotions

King Jewelers is excited to announce that we will be celebrating the annual Nashville Spring Bridal Show this upcoming April 15th & 16th in our Green Hills luxury salon. The event will feature complete collections of engagement rings, wedding bands, bridal jewelry, and (of course) diamonds. This celebration will include trunk shows and special collections from participating diamond brands including A. Jaffe, Forevermark, Furrer-Jacot, JB Star, Kwiat, Memoire, Michael M, Mikimoto, Penny Preville, Precision Set, Ritani, Roberto Coin, Scott Kay, Sylvie, and the signature KJ5 diamond collection. King Jewelers will also feature the most extensive and unique selection of men’s and women’s wedding bands in the Central South.
Nashville Spring Bridal Show
“We’re very passionate about our focus on diamond cut, quality and value,” says David King, President of King Jewelers Nashville. “We want every guest to be properly educated and feel comfortable with their investment in an exceptional diamond. That’s why we only work with the best bridal designers, offer incredible custom engagement ring designs, and focus heavily on KJ5, our in-house private label collection. We always have a diverse selection of fine diamonds  and with the thousands of additional diamonds brought into the store exclusively during the Spring Bridal Show, you can easily find a complete engagement ring starting at $1,495 or view a 10 carat emerald-cut diamond for more than $500,000. We try to keep the bridal show very special and jaw dropping while still being accessible for all consumers.”

Unique, Hand-Crafted Engagement Rings and Wedding Bands

The KJ5 Bridal Collections are designed and manufactured in-house by the fifth generation of King Jewelers. Learn more here

The KJ5 Bridal Collections are engagement ring and wedding band collections that are designed and manufactured in-house by the fifth generation of King Jewelers. Created by David and Jonathan King, KJ5 is comprised of modern, feminine, and timeless bridal designs. The intention was to create affordable, high-quality wedding rings in precious metals that highlight their family’s expertise in diamond jewelry manufacturing. By making these pieces in-house, King Jewelers can ensure exceptional quality with the most competitive pricing. KJ5 also keeps up with the hottest bridal trend, including oval diamonds, rose or yellow gold rings, blue sapphires, split-shank engagement rings, and stackable rings.
King Jewelers doesn’t only excel in loose GIA diamonds and diamond engagement rings in Nashville. The showroom is also host to a wide variety of classic diamond stud earrings, diamond anniversary rings, and pendants as well as fine jewelry, couture diamond collections, and the finest Swiss watch brands that include Cartier, Bell & Ross, Breitling, Hublot, IWC, Jaeger-LeCoultre, TAG Heuer, and TUDOR, just to name a few.

Bridal Jewelery Spring Bridal Show

Special Offers and Promotions for Nashville Diamond Buyers

Any client who purchases a piece of diamond jewelry during the Spring Bridal Show will be eligible to win the grand prize which includes a special Romance Package at the Hermitage Hotel and a gift certificate eligible for any M Street restaurant (Kayne Prime, Virago, Whiskey Kitchen, and Tavern). King Jewelers will also offer competitive finance programs during the Spring Bridal Show. For more info regarding the Nashville Spring Bridal Show, please visit us on-line at

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