Cartier Panthere de Cartier Arrives in Nashville


Cartier Reintroduces a Legend with Launch of Revamped Panthere de Cartier Timepieces

They were all the rage in the 80s- Cartier’s Panthere de Cartier timepieces embodied sophistication and fashion-forward style. This month, Cartier reintroduced the iconic style to their collection in a multitude of variations, some of which are already available at our Nashville, Tennessee store in the Green Hills area. We all know that fashion is cyclical- everything comes back into style eventually- and the 80s style of the Panthere de Cartier is most definitely in.
Starting at just $4,000 for the small steel model, the Panthere de Cartier makes the perfect gift for that special woman in your life. These quartz timepieces keep excellent time, and the bracelet design is extremely comfortable for everyday wear. These watches are available in both a traditional small (22mm x 30mm) and a fashion-forward medium (27mm x 37mm) size.

Explore Our Ladies Timepieces Here

All in all, the Cartier Panthere de Cartier timepiece proves that retro can be cool, and is yet another must-have watch in the Cartier timepiece lineup.
Although marketing materials frequently show this watch in and around the water (for example, in the bathtub and the pool) we don’t ever recommend submerging a watch without a screw-down crown into the water. A screw-down crown effectively locks the case so that water, which can severely damage your watch’s internal parts, can’t leak in. A standard push-crown (like the ones on these new Cartier timepieces) do not protect the case with the same level of security, and these watches rely mostly on seals to prevent leaks. Unfortunately, these seals will eventually wear out, leaving your watch susceptible to water damage. They can be repaired during a routine servicing.

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