NEW RELEASE: TAG Heuer Connected Modular 45

TAG Heuer Connected Modular 45

TAG Heuer Reveals New Connected Modular 45 Smartwatch, a “Swiss-Made” Smartwatch for the Watch Enthusiast

Exciting news! The brand new TAG Heuer Connected Modular 45 has been revealed to the world with a mind-blowing four thousand variations and we’re proud to say that we will be carrying some of these smart watches in our Nashville salon!
The TAG Heuer Connected Modular 45 is a major overhaul of the watch that represented the company’s first jump into the smartwatch business, the TAG Heuer Connected. Many of the less than thrilling aspects of the original Connected smartwatch have been completely revamped and improved upon in this new Modular 45 model, making it the perfect smartwatch for the man (or woman!) who appreciates both cutting-edge technology, and classic fine Swiss watchmaking.
The first generation of TAG Heuer’s smartwatches were not modular, meaning if you purchased a watch on a yellow rubber strap, that was the only strap option you had. It could not later be interchanged for a steel bracelet, or a leather band. This lack of versatility was frustrating to many consumers who had seen Apple smart watches and their easily interchanged bands. The new TAG Heuer Connected Modular 45, as the name suggests, is completely interchangeable. Switch it up with a brightly colored rubber strap when you’re working out, then snap on a stylish leather band while you’re at the office, before quickly clicking in a titanium bracelet for a night on the town. It’s a quick and simple way to ensure your Swiss Made smartwatch works with your daily style.
TAG Heuer Connected Modular 45
Not only that, but the watch itself is also interchangeable- switch it up from a smartwatch module to a compatible mechanical movement module (a tourbillon or a classic automatic time and date are the two options available currently) with a few clicks of a button. With the first generation, customers had the option to pay a $1,500 fee to have the smartwatch component completely removed and replaced with a classic mechanical movement after a few years of wear. The modular concept is a much more convenient method which gives you the opportunity to switch between smartwatch and mechanical watch at your leisure, rather than being forced to choose between one or the other.

Another main complaint from the first generation was that the watches were neither water-friendly nor GPS enabled. The New TAG Heuer Connected Modular 45 is water-resistant to 50m and comes with built-in GPS, meaning you’re free to wear it wherever life takes you.
The watch is powered by Intel and Android Wear 2.0, but iPhone users shouldn’t fear a lack of compatibility! The TAG Heuer Connected Modular 45 will work with iPhone 5 or later, running iOS 9+ or higher. Android Wear 2.0 allows the wearer to run apps without a smartphone nearby. With an average day of use the watch should last up to 25 hours on a single charge, and from a completely dead battery should charge fully within 2 hours.
The new TAG Heuer Connected Modular 45 is available in our Nashville store NOW! Visit TAG Heuer’s website to learn more about this exciting new technology and to build your own perfect “Swiss-Made” Smartwatch!

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