How to Tell if a Diamond is Loose in Your Ring

How To Tell If Your Diamond is Loose

How to Determine if a Diamond is Loose in Your Engagement Ring or Wedding Band

It’s something most women fear- what will they do if a diamond comes loose and falls out of their engagement ring? Luckily, it’s an easy fix, especially if you catch it before a diamond goes missing!
The easiest way to tell if you have a loose diamond in your engagement ring or wedding band is to simply hold it up to your ear and shake it a little bit! It might sound crazy, but it’s true- a loose stone will make an audible rattling sound when you shake the ring next to your ear. If you hear that tell-tale rattle, bring your ring into your local jeweler straight away. Any jeweler with an onsite jeweler should be able to tighten your prongs and secure your stone in no time at all.
Unfortunately, diamonds do sometimes fall out, especially with the extremely popular micro-pavé style setting which women are choosing so frequently these days. The settings are beautiful because that style of setting shows very little metal, but that comes at a cost. You see so little metal around the diamonds because there is so little metal, and without enough metal securing your accent diamonds, it’s almost inevitable that they’ll fall out or become loose at some point down the road. To that end, King Jewelers offers one of the most comprehensive ring warranties in the industry. We know you don’t always have time to bring your ring in for scheduled check-ups, so it’s not a requirement for our warranty, although we do recommend you bring the ring in to one of our stores for a free cleaning and check ups at your convenience. If an accent diamond does fall out of your engagement ring, rest assured that we’ll replace it for free.

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