Furrer-Jacot Wedding Rings Arrive in Nashville

Introducing Furrer-Jacot!

Furrer-Jacot Wedding Rings
Furrer-Jacot Wedding Bands

King Jewelers Nashville is thrilled to announce the introduction of Furrer-Jacot wedding rings to our already extensive collection of wedding jewelrry! Each beautiful Furrer-Jacot creation is made one at a time, by hand, at their factory in Switzerland. Their artisans continue to use methods which have been implemented for hundreds of years to ensure each ring is of a high enough quality to last multiple generations.
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Throughout history, the circle, which has no beginning and no end, has been used to symbolize the eternal bond of love. Furrer-Jacot expresses this promise of eternity in exceptional rings crafted from the most precious alloys. Brought to life by artisans with a zeal for perfection, each jewel is the only one of its kind, reflecting the unique nature of each emotion, each emotional bond, and each life story. One such story began in 1858, ultimately leading to the union of Fritz Furrer and Lucienne Jacot. Today, 150 years on, the House of Furrer-Jacot continues to perpetuate its founders’ vision: creating rare jewels that symbolize a vow, a shared hope, and happiness itself.

Furrer Jacot Nashville

Furrer-Jacot’s craftsmanship and commitment to quality customer service is unparalleled (just take a look at their generous Lifetime Warranty.) We’re thrilled to offer our Nashville brides and grooms the opportunity to explore Furrer-Jacot’s beautiful wedding ring designs.
 King Jewelers is an authorized Furrer-Jacot wedding ring retailer in Nashville. King Jewelers features an extensive collection of unique wedding bands from top designers like A. Link, Benchmark, Forevermark, Furrer-Jacot, Kwiat, Penny Preville, Scott Kay, Tacori, and more. View our collection of Furrer-Jacot wedding bands and other luxury jewelery on-line at www.Kings1912.com or stop by a King Jewelers salon in Nashville, Tennessee or Miami, Florida.

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