King Jewelers Hosts Annual STACK IT Event

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King Jewelers Stack It Event

King Jewelers hosts our annual STACK IT wedding band and bangle event in Nashville, Tennessee on September 27th and 28th! Once a year, King Jewelers holds an in-store event, featuring all stackable wedding bands. Stacking wedding bands is an excellent way to commemorate some of life’s greatest milestones that may come AFTER marriage. Maybe you want to add a band next to your wedding band that reveals the birthstone of your first child. Or perhaps you are graduating with a higher degree and want to remember this achievement each time you look down at your hand with a gorgeous stackable bangle!

Stackable Bands Lifestyle Shot

There are tons of different ways that stackable wedding bands and bangles can add a touch of sentiment to your jewelry collection. Or maybe you are simply looking for a way to update your look! King Jewelers offers a wide variety of wedding bands for men and women. We have everything form traditional eternity bands, to colored gemstones and alternative metals! Our expert jewelry stylists are here to assist you in finding the stack that best suits you. In addition, Sethi couture will be holding its trunk show during these dates, which we you will have even more to choose from!

Stackable Rainbow Bangles Lifestyle Image


King Jewelers is proud to be your premiere destination for luxury jewelry. Visit us online or at one of our locations in the Green Hills shopping area of Nashville, Tennessee or in North Miami Beach Florida. Allow us to help you create the wedding band stack or trendy bangle stack you’ve always dreamed of at our STACK IT event, September 27th and 28th.

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