Celebrity Sighting: Matt Damon Wears JLC

Matt Damon Jaeger-LeCoultre GQ JLC

Matt Damon Wears Jaeger-LeCoultre (JLC) Reverso On Cover of August Edition of GQ Magazine

Spotted! Matt Damon wears the beautiful Jaeger-LeCoultre Steel Grands Reverso Ultra Thin Duo on the cover of the August edition of GQ Magazine. Damon, who’s career has been chock full of amazing movies like The Martian and Good Will Hunting, isn’t the first celebrity to choose JLC as their go-to watch brand.
For years, JLC has been the watch of choice with Hollywood A-List actors and directors. Iron Man star Robert Downey Jr. wore a multitude of Jaeger-LeCoultre timepieces during the press junket for the third installment in the franchise. Comedic genius Charlie Chaplin owned both an Atmos clock and a JLC Master Memovox which he wore often. Chaplin’s granddaughter, Carmen Chaplin, an intrepid actress and filmmaker in her own right, became a Jaeger-LeCoultre brand ambassador in 2013.

Jaeger-LeCoultre hasn’t just been the watch of Hollywood’s finest in their personal lives, either. The brand has had watches featured in fantastic films for generations. The classic JLC Reverso model alone has been featured in everything from classic films, on the wrists of Carey Grant and Humphrey Bogart, and in modern blockbusters, on the wrist of Christian Bale as billionaire vigilante Bruce Wayne in The Dark Night.

Explore Some of Our Jaeger-LeCoultre Inventory Now!

There’s no doubt that this remarkable brand will continue it’s dominance into the modern age. Stop by our Nashville salon to explore the finer, artistic aspects of luxury watchmaking and learn why JLC has been the choice of Hollywood’s elite for generations.

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