Nashville Vintage Designer Handbag Show May 4th-6th

Nashville Vintage Designer Handbag Show

King Jewelers Hosts Exclusive Vintage Handbag Show in Nashville for Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is just around the corner, and most of our clients are struggling to find that perfect gift to show mom just how much she’s appreciated. King Jewelers is happy to announce an exclusive trunk show for authentic vintage handbags in Nashville Thursday, May 4th through Saturday, May 6th. Every gently used handbag presented during this limited time event is sure to be a hit this Mother’s Day!
We’ve once again partnered with our friends over at What Goes Around Comes Around to bring Nashville handbag fanatics a wide selection of luxurious, guaranteed authentic, vintage handbags from the leading designers in the industry. Enjoy champagne, cocktails, and hors d’oeuvres while shopping for purses from brands like Hermes, Celine, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Prada, Gucci, and more.
Since 1993, What Goes Around Comes Around has been an acclaimed leader in the authentic luxury vintage goods market. With their multiple brick-and-mortar stores in New York and California, along with a dedicated shop in Bloomingdales and their online presence, What Goes Around Comes Around has more than proven themselves as a major player in the industry.
This is a rare opportunity to purchase authentic luxury handbags in Nashville at a fraction of the cost that you’d pay at their respective retail stores. These vintage handbags are in excellent condition and are sure to leave your mom speechless this Mother’s Day. Visit King Jewelers in Green Hills Thursday, May 4th through Saturday, May 6th to attend this exciting vintage designer handbag show.

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