Jaeger-LeCoultre Launches 8-Year Warranty Care Program


Jaeger-LeCoultre Care Program

On May 15, 2019, Jaeger-LeCoultre clients will now be able to register their JLC watches or clocks online. This service allows each person to manage their personal collection, as well as benefit from the Maison’s personalized new platform. The Jaeger-LeCoultre Care Program will extend the duration of the “International Limited Warranty” to eight years. Specifically, from 2 to 8 years for all watches and from 3 to 8 years for Atmos clocks. All manufacturing defects remain covered by the “International Limited Warranty” as long as their applicability conditions have not been altered.
After registering their Jaeger-LeCoultre timepieces, clients will receive customary services throughout the lifetime of their watches and clocks. Some of these services include value-added services regarding enhancement, maintenance, functional checks, engraving tools, specific online information and pre-configured digital tools for personalization and care. This program will also be available in twelve different languages. These languages include English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Russian, Chinese, Japanese and Korean.
King Jewelers, your local authorized Jaeger-LeCoultre retailer in Nashville, Tennessee, welcomes you to come in and explore the innovative technology of this remarkable brand. Alternatively, you can visit us online for inventory updates or give us a call for all further inquiries.

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