King Jewelers” href=”” target=”_blank”>King Jewelers is now the exclusive dealer in the entire Central South for Chanel watches with the addition of the timepiece collections.  Chanel is the Parisian fashion house founded by Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel in 1909, specializing in luxury goods and haute couture.
The fashion icon’s philosophy was “One can never be too modern,” and this style which she captured on some of the most famous women of her period is constantly reinvented throughout all of the Chanel watch collections.  Mademoiselle Chanel, her tastes and inspirations, are all adapted to the present and continue to unite both elegance and modernity.
“We are honored to announce our exclusive affiliation with Chanel to represent the world’s most exclusive brand for its watch collections in this region,” said David King, King Jewelers brand manager. “The brand continues to revolutionize the fashion industry in its 100th year of operation and will continue to do so with lines such as  its J12 fine jewelry timepieces. In recent years, Chanel has partnered with experienced Swiss watchmakers to develop the exclusive ‘Chanel 05.T.1.’ movement.”
Chanel watch collections include the J12 Editions Exclusives, Premiére and Les Intemporelles De Chanel in white gold, yellow gold, ceramic, and steel. Chanel timepieces are available for sale at King Jewelers” href=”” target=”_blank”>King Jewelers Nashville and King Jewelers Aventura. For more info, visit

Chanel watches

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