King Jewelers Introduces Elizabeth Locke

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Elizabeth Locke Pendants, Bracelets, Earrings and Rings in 19K Yellow Gold

King Jewelers welcomes the decadent designs of Elizabeth Locke! We are the only jewelry store in Nashville to carry this prestigious brand. Therefore, we welcome you with open arms to visit our store and explore for yourself, the mesmerizing creations of this neo-classical 19K gold hand-made jewelry.

Elizabeth Locke Rings

Elizabeth Locke rings are rich with vibrant 19K yellow gold. They house precious diamonds and other brightly-colored gemstones such as, blue sapphire and turquoise. This Harlequin Diamond Stack Ring features three glowing princess-cut diamonds. This ring is perfect for stacking, but also looks exquisite when when styled solo.

        19K Yellow Gold Harlequin Diamond Stack Ring
Elizabeth Locke Earrings

Straying away from the grain when it comes to earrings, Elizabeth Locke has a wide selection of earring pendants in all different shapes and colors. Each earring pendant slides onto a yellow gold hoop. This way you can switch out the pendant based upon your look for the day. One of our favorites is the Pink Tiny Lion Pendant Earrings featuring pink tourmaline.

19K Yellow Gold Pink Tiny Lion Earring Pendants

Elizabeth Locke Bracelets

This brand often designs bracelets with big chain links in radiant 19K yellow gold. Although, this particular bracelet steals the show. Featuring Venetian glass intaglios in a variety of colors, white and black South Sea pearls and ancient silver and bronze coins, this charm bracelet is absolutely jaw-dropping. there is even one charm that features the Elizabeth Locke Jewels logo.

19K Yellow Gold Medium Charm Bracelet

Elizabeth Locke Necklaces

Make a statement with one of the Elizabeth Lock necklaces. Many of these necklaces are crafted together utilizing jumbo chain links, while others are beaded. Regardless of which necklace best fits your style, you can choose from a selection of regal pendants to easily switch in and out depending on your look each day! This 19K yellow gold Cerulean Ancient Horse Pendant showcases cerulean Venetian glass intaglios backed by mother-of-pearl. Surrounding the “Ancient Horse,” we discover moon stone details that make this piece absolutely breathtaking.
19K Yellow Gold Cerulean Ancient Horse Pendant

About Elizabeth Locke

Elizabeth Locke selects every stone that is used in her jewelry. She also designs every piece herself and loves watching her ideas come to life. 35 Thai goldsmiths helped Locke in the creation of these pieces and began creating a line of irresistible jewelry. Utilizing those same century-old techniques today, each piece is crafted with intricate detail and meticulous design. Come and check out all of the magnificent pieces we have to offer here at King Jewelers in Nashville!

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