Wedding Jewelry Engraving Tips and Inscription Advice

We all know that every couple is unique. Engraving your wedding jewelry is a great way to capture the memories of your big day in a way that perfectly fits your relationship.

Wedding Jewelry Engraving Tips

Your engraving choice will obviously vary based on the amount of open space you have on your jewelry. If you choose to engrave a thin wedding band, for example, you’ll probably want to limit the length of your text. That way, you can make the few characters as large and as legible as possible. In this instance, most choose a more traditional engraving– such as their new initials or their wedding date.
[Learn More: Engagement Ring and Wedding Band Shopping Guide]
If the piece you want to engrave has a fairly large amount of space, it’s easy to get creative with engraving choices to make it even more special to the two of you. A romantic line from a poem or lyrics from your wedding song are popular choices among the more sentimental. More humorous than over-the-top romantic? A funny little line like “Put me back on!” will make you smile any time you see it. We all know that every couple is unique. Engraving your wedding jewelry is a great way to capture the memories of your big day in a way that perfectly fits your relationship.
For something truly special, think of your shared interests and go from there. Some of our more creative customers have brought us concepts that quickly became new favorites! One military bride asked for  “I Love You” to be written in Morse Code along her fiancé’s wedding band. Another asked for geographical coordinates of the wedding location to be engraved on the caseback of her fiancé’s new watch, as he was a sailor. Remember, your engraving doesn’t have to make sense to anyone except the two of you!

Expert Jewelry Engraving in Miami and Nashville

Established in 1912, the King family has owned and operated King Jewelers for five generations while building an outstanding reputation steeped in quality, value, and first-class service. Today, King Jewelers has brick-and-mortar stores located in Aventura, FL and Nashville, TN, both of which have won numerous regional and national awards of distinction. Our on-site master jewelers perform jewelry engraving in Miami and Nashville and can add touching inscriptions to your wedding jewelry today. For more information, visit

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