Our Diamond Affair at King Jewelers

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King Jewelers Presents Our Diamond Affair

Join King Jewelers in Nashville for our Diamond Affair event. You’re invited to an exceptional diamond shopping experience on Thursday, April 4th through Saturday, April 6th, during regular business hours. Browse our exclusive selection of elegant engagement rings and timeless diamond jewelry. Our highly-skilled jewelry experts look forward to helping you discover the perfect diamond masterpiece that will last a lifetime. Whether you are hoping or to upgrade your diamond, design a custom piece with a master jeweler, or simply explore a wide array of breathtaking diamond treasures. We welcome you to become a part of the King family and enjoy special event pricing while sipping exquisite champagne or finely-aged whiskey. In addition, every purchase of $1,000 dollars or more will receive a $100 American Express gift card. It’s our Diamond Affair at King Jeweler’s Nashville location. Our address is 4121 Hillsboro Pike, just south of the Green Hills Mall.

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