Preds & Threads Ticket Giveaway

Preds & Threads Fashion Show

King Jewelers Nashville Presents the Inaugural Preds & Threads Fashion Show Benefiting the Nashville Predators Foundation

Hello, Smashville! This year, the Predators Foundation host “Preds & Threads” an inaugural fashion show featuring the Nashville Predators hockey team. During this event, attendees will watch our Nashville Predators strut their stuff on the catwalk, modeling Doves jewelry and Breitling watches from King Jewelers and clothing from Dillard’s at the Mall at Green Hills. After the show, VIP ticket holders will gain access to an exclusive after-show event where they can meet their favorite players over cocktails. There will also be a silent auction with wonderful items to bid on, including a piece of jewelry from King Jewelers. Cocktail attire.
Fans of the Nashville Predators hockey team have a once in a lifetime chance to see the Predators walk the catwalk. As official jeweler of the Nashville Predators, King Jewelers is giving away TWO VIP TICKETS to the Preds & Threads Fashion Show, February 23rd at 6:15pm at Bridgestone Arena in downtown Nashville. To enter to win, simply like our giveaway post on Facebook and tag a friend in the comments that would be your plus one for the evening! For more opportunities to win, be sure to follow our other social media accounts, and like and comment on the giveaway posts on those platforms. The winner will be randomly selected and announced on social media on Friday, February 16th.
100% of the proceeds from the Preds & Threads Fashion Show will benefit the Nashville Predators Foundation, which donates over one million dollars to middle-Tennessee based non-profits and other worthy causes. Past recipients of grants from the Nashville Predators Foundation include the AMEND program, the Jack Diller Education Award, and the 365 Pediatric Cancer Fund Presented by Twice Daily at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt. As children’s charities, particularly the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt, are so important to us at King Jewelers, we’re thrilled to help sponsor this event which will ultimately benefit children in our local community.
For more information on the Preds & Threads Fashion Show and the Nashville Predators Foundation, or to purchase your tickets to this exciting new event, please click here.

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