King Jewelers Hosts Dinner Party with JLC

Jaeger LeCoultre Watches

King Jeweler’s Jaeger-LeCoultre Dinner

On Thursday, September 27th, King Jewelers gathered with some of our most avid timepiece enthusiasts. We showcased a selection of timepieces from Jaeger-LeCoultre.  Our clients had the opportunity to get an up close and personal look at this premium line. In addition, the president of the company, Philippe Bonay, attended the event to answer any questions our clients may have had.
Jaeger-LeCoultre Nashville

About Jaeger-LeCoultre

Since 1833, Jaeger-LeCoultre has been a luxury timepiece brand that specializes in perpetual creativeness and inventiveness. As a result, they’ve created timepieces of high accuracy with the invention of the Atmos pendulum. Throughout years of perfecting their craft, Jaeger-LeCoultre is now known for their mechanical performance and aesthetic harmony.
David King and Jaeger LeCoultre President, Philippe Bonay

Family Time

Over a delicious meal at 5th and Taylor, we were able to talk to our clients on a more intimate level. Thus, discussing everything from timepieces and jewelry to life and business, we enjoyed having a meal together as one big King’s family.

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