Best Places to Propose in Nashville

Proposal cover photo interlocking pinkiesBest Proposal Places in Nashville

Every woman dreams of a fairy tale proposal where sparks fly and love is grown. You already know that you want to marry her, but now you have to come up with a fool-proof plan that will sweep her off her feet. Well, King Jewelers is here to help. We have come up with a list of the five best places to propose in Nashville to pull off the engagement that everyone will be talking about.

Carnton Plantation

The first stop on our list is the breathtaking Carnton Plantation. Allow Tennessee tradition to play a part in this special moment in both of your lives. Colorful botanical gardens decorate the surrounding areas of this breathtaking plantation house. Walk through the historical halls of the McGavock family home and stroll through the restored Antebellum Garden. Have a photographer hidden, and pop the big question under the sixty-year-old Osage Orange tree. She will never see it coming and you will have beautiful scenery to compliment the raw emotion on her face.
Carnton Plantation Garden

Nashville Predators Game

One way that you could catch her of guard is taking her to a Predator’s game. She’ll think you’re just taking her on a fun date night, but really, you’re about to change her life forever. This is one of our favorite places to propose in Nashville. With King Jewelers being the official jewelers of the Nashville Predators, we can guide you in planning- the perfect proposal. Catch her on the jumbotron and have the crowd go wild when you get down on one knee. She’ll be blown away by the enthusiasm in the arena and feel like she’s the center of the universe.

Predators Hockey Arena
Bridgestone Arena

Arrington Vineyards

For a more private moment, you could take her to the rolling hills and enchanting scenery at Arrington Vineyards. Plan out a picnic with some of her favorite foods and pack a cozy blanket. Taste some of the amazing wines that Arrington has to offer and snuggle up under the sunset. Then wait for that perfect moment, tell her how much she means to you and pop the question! She is going to love telling this story to her kids and grandkids and she will never forget that enchanting feeling.
Arrington Vineyard

Love Circle

If you love Nashville and frequently take in that jaw-dropping skyline, then Love Circle is going to be the perfect proposal location for you. Hidden in an alcove on top of a hill that overlooks the dancing neon lights of the city, this location is simply spectacular. Keep it private with a picnic, or invite family and friends to come “sightseeing” with you to have them all there for the big moment. Whether you plan for sunset or evening, the ambiance of this special place will look stunning in photos and will provide that romantic atmosphere you’ve been searching for.
Love Circle

Cheekwood Botanical Gardens

And finally, the last spot on our list of best places to propose in Nashville, is Cheekwood Botanical Gardens. This place has an array of gardens and architecture that are absolutely awe-inspiring. From colorful springtime tulips, to glistening lights during Christmas, and really anytime in between. There is always something beautiful happening at Cheekwood. Aside from the enchanting gardens, we also discover small ponds and lakes that could serve as a divine backdrop for that special moment. During fall, everything is dressed in oranges and reds for that warm and cozy feeling right before the trees go bare. Cheekwoood Botanical Gardens is a great location for a proposal at during any season of the year.
Cheekwood Botanical Gardens

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