IWC President Visits King Jewelers Nashville

IWC President Visits King Jewelers Nashville
King Jewelers President, David King, and IWC President, Edouard d’Arbaumont

IWC President, Edouard d’Arbaumont, Visits King Jewelers Nashville to Celebrate new IWC Boutique

IWC President, Edouard d’Arbaumont stops by King Jewelers in Nashville, TN to celebrate the launch of the new IWC Nashville in-store boutique! As Head of Sales and Operations of IWC North America for nearly 3 years, Edouard d’Arbaumont has guided IWC’s development in unique partnerships with attractive limited editions while maintaining the brand’s DNA and history. Our guests had the opportunity to meet and chat with the influential brand president while enjoying delicious cocktails and hors d’oeuvres. Along with the launch of the new IWC boutique, Edouard also introduced IWC’s latest watch releases as well as a few rare historical pieces.

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