Our 3 Favorite Summer Jewelry Accessories for Women

1. Hoop Earrings
No matter what material or size, hoop earrings are the perfect summer fashion accessory. Whether they’re paired with a messy bun, a high pony-tail, or beachy waves, hoop earrings make any outfit flirty and fabulous. For an everyday look, we recommend Roberto Coin’s 18K Yellow Gold Hoops (top left) or to dress it up, A. Link’s 18K White Gold In-Out Diamond Hoops (bottom right).
2. Colorful/Stackable Bracelets
Stackable bracelets never seem to go out of style for very long and this year they’re back with a bang! A nice mixture of texture and color will make your personalized stack pop- adding interesting dimension to any outfit. We love to stack blue and green hues in the summer, and recommend either Ippolita’s 18K Yellow Gold Rock Candy Gelato Sailor Bangle (top left) or Sydney Evan’s Emerald Beaded Bracelet (bottom right)

[Browse more Gold Fashion Jewelry and Accessories Now]

3. Anklet 
One of the coolest jewelry trends only appears in the summer when you break out the cutoff shorts and flip flops! The key to a classy anklet is to keep it delicate! The chunkier the piece, the more distracting it is from the rest of your ensemble. A simple gold chain set with a few small diamonds will add a bit of boho chic- perfect for summer! We just love Roberto Coin’s 18K White Gold and Diamond Anklet (bottom right).

King Jewelers is your Source for Fashion Jewelry Accessories in Nashville and South Florida

Established in 1912, the King family has owned and operated King Jewelers for five generations while building an outstanding reputation steeped in quality, value, and first-class service. Today, King Jewelers has brick-and-mortar stores located in Aventura, FL and Nashville, TN, both of which have won numerous regional and national awards of distinction. Offering a magnificent selection of diamond and gold jewelry accessories for women and men,  King Jewelers prides itself in being one step ahead of jewelry trends. In addition, King Jewelers offers on-site jewelry and watch repairs, custom design services, appraisals, estate buying, and corporate gift programs. For more information, visit www.kings1912.com.

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